A unique, mysterious and exotic place is rightfully considered to be Thailand, a vacation in which picturesque picturesque tourist avenues are described .Special advertising is not needed, almost any person knows that after visiting the resorts of this unusual country, vivid impressions are guaranteed .During the tour in Thailand, you can visit a lot of cultural and historical attractions, relax actively, thanks to such diversions as underwater hunting, windsurfing and diving, and also to luxuriate on the luxurious multi-kilometer beaches with pristine beauty .

White beach Patong, Phuket

Paradise Palace - Bangkok

Visiting Bangkok is shown to lovers of ancient temples and historical places. Here you are unlikely to be offered passive pastime on an exotic beach. Bangkok is famous for its cognitive routes, because on its territory are the main attractions of Thailand - the Temple of the Emerald Buddha, a variety of ancient treasures, the Temple of Dawn and other eastern miracles. More than 400 temples can be viewed at the same time by buying a ticket to a river ship that cruises along Bangkok.

And at night, go on a new journey - Bangkok modern, which has a place for excellent shopping, Thai cuisine, exotic bars and nightclubs. You will plunge into the previously unseen exclusive, when East and West have closely merged in embraces, often not chaste at all.

Phuket - the pearl of Thailand

A comparison of the best resort in Thailand - the island of Phuket with a pearl, is justified both by its shape and quality characteristics. The western coast with beautiful beaches, as well as a well-developed network of hotels and restaurants, awaits lovers of comfortable rest. The eastern "wild" shore with rocky bays invites diving enthusiasts. The central part can be described as a chic golf course, intersected by coconut groves and rubber plantations.

Pattaya - endless get-together

It is in Pattaya seek "burners" of life, who prefer an eternal drive. There is no time to rest on the beaches in Pattaya, but there are not many of them here. If you want to plunge into the sea, it is better to use the ferry or boat to go on a day excursion to the nearby coral islands.

The list of pleasures that you will be offered directly in Pattaya is extensive: exotic cuisine, chic night clubs and unforgettable impressions of their visit. In the afternoon, you are waited by water parks, crocodile farms, tiger zoos and elephant show.

Exotic Krabi

When Sinbad the Sailor discovered Krabi, he hardly suspected that he had stepped foot on the most exotic islands of Thailand. They are more than 1000 and each invites tourists to plunge into the crystal clear sea, admire the coral thickets and relax on the golden beaches of the coast, gazing at the tortoise slowly moving toward the Indian Ocean.

Chang, Ko Phangan and Koh Samui - such different islands

An untouched place of Thailand or "ecological paradise" is the island of Koh Chang, where you can relax calmly on white beaches, and actively - in the waters of picturesque bays.

Budget tourists who want to luxury vacation in an exotic location, while spending a small amount, waiting Ko Phangan. The main contingent of tourists, vacationers here are young and energetic travelers who value entertainment and prefer comfort. Here, a paradise for kids, as the beaches are clean and shallow.

Picturesque beaches about. Samui is waiting for the devil followers. On the island you can live in a five-star hotel, as well as in a bamboo bungalow. Koh Samui offers the natural simplicity of the tropics, and in this is the exclusivity of this resort of Thailand.