Saipan Island is the most "tourist" in the whole archipelago. Rest here can be recommended, first of all, lovers of an active lifestyle: the island has excellent conditions for swimming, snorkelling and hiking, interesting there will be lovers of history. Saipan is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the holder of the most constant year-round and daily temperature in the world: summer lasts year round.

The capital is Susupe.


  • 1 Climate
  • 2 The main resorts of Saipan
  • 3 How to call
  • 4 Transport Saipan
  • 5 Rent a car
  • 6 Safety of tourists
  • 7 Beaches of Saipan
  • 8 Banks and exchange points
  • 9 Saipan Entertainment, Excursions and Attractions
    • 9.1 Saipan and surroundings


Weather forecast for Saipan for 10 days

The main resorts of Saipan

Garapan in the middle of the western coastal road Beach Road. Here most of the hotels, duty-free shops, shopping centers, boutiques, restaurants, bars and parks are concentrated.

The Island of Birds (Bird Island), which got its name because of the sea birds that nest here.

Managaha Island in the lagoon of Saipan, the center of marine sports. Here is a beautiful coral reef and an amazing underwater world around it. The whole island can be walked around for 20-30 minutes.

Grotto (Grotto) is a natural limestone cave connected to the open sea by three tunnels. Coral formations outside the cave are a gift for any diver.

Banzai Cliff (Banzai Cliff) - cliff on the northern cape of Saipan. Its name is not accidental: at the end of the battle for Saipan, Japanese soldiers and the local Japanese population committed mass suicide here - just to avoid being captured by Americans.

The name of the cliff of Banzai Cliff is not accidental: at the end of the battle for Saipan, Japanese soldiers and the local Japanese population committed mass suicide here - just to avoid being captured by Americans.

Saipan Botanical Garden (Saipan Botanical Garden) presents about 2000 species of tropical plants - from fruit trees to rare exotic flowers. Other attractions of the garden are green iguanas and tropical lizards.

Mount Tapochau (Mt. Tapochau) - the highest point of the island. The mountain occupies a dominant position in the center of the island and from its top, where a statue of Jesus Christ is erected, a spectacular panoramic panorama opens.

The Museum of History and Culture of the Northern Mariana Islands keeps the exhibits of the times of the ancient Chamorros, the Spanish period, the periods of the German administration, the Japanese period and World War II.

American Memorial Park (American Memorial Park), opened in honor of the American soldiers who died in the battles for Saipan and Tinian during the Second World War. This is not only a memorial complex: island holidays are held here, and you can swim, windsurf, softball, jogging and tennis.

How to call

Phone calls to Russia are best done through a telephone card from public phones in hotels, on the streets and in shops. Local and international calls from hotel rooms are more expensive, so it's better to check the rates before calling. You can also rent a cell phone on the island.

Saipan, Forbidden Island

Transport Saipan

At the hotels and in the commercial part of the island of Garapan, there are taxi stops, car rental outlets, scooters and bicycles. On Saipan there are also tourist bus lines, following the routes with stops at the largest shops and restaurants. All-day tickets (~ 3 USD) are sold by bus drivers.

Many restaurants and hotels provide transportation services to their customers.

Rent a car

To rent a car, the traveler should contact his agent or the tourist office of the hotel - there he will be helped to pick up the brand of the car and make a rental. Documents required to rent a car: Russian driver's license and credit card. Depending on the company, payment in cash or by credit card is possible.

Safety of tourists

If you lose your passport, you must notify your travel agent or the Immigration Department, and if you lose or steal personal belongings, you should immediately contact the police. Drinking tap water is not suitable - you can drink only bottled.

There are no pharmacies on the island: medicines that do not require a prescription are sold in stores and shopping centers.
Diving on Saipan: Cave Grotto

Beaches of Saipan

Micro Beach is a very beautiful and clean beach, one of the best on the island.

Lao Lao Bay (Lao Lao Bay) - a bay with excellent opportunities for snorkelling and banal beach nedoledelyanya.

Obyan Beach (Obyan Beach) - this beach convenient for picnics is more popular among locals than among tourists. Most novice divers make their first dive in the high seas here.

Ladder Beach (Ladder Beach) - a beach in the west of Obyan Beach, also convenient for picnics. Descent to it - along a comfortable staircase.

Paupau Beach (Paupau Beach) - the beach to the north of the hotel Nikko Saipan in the area of ​​San Roque (San Roque). There is a playground and BBQ grills.

Diving in Saipan: Lau Lau Beach

Banks and exchange points

Banks are open from Monday to Friday, from 10:00 to 15:00 (Fridays to 18:00). Weekends - Saturday and Sunday.

Saipan Entertainment, Excursions and Attractions

Average cost per person for group excursions:

Sightseeing tour around the island (2 hours) ~ 25 USD, a jungle tour (3 hours) ~ 55 USD, a trip to the island of Managaha (3 hours) ~ 35 USD .Cruise on the submarine (1 hour) ~ 75 USD, diving from the shore (2-4 hours) ~ 50/75 USD (1/2 dive), diving from the boat (5 hours) - 90-110 USD (price depends from the dive site), in-depth diving with an instructor (4 hours) ~ 120 USD (equipment included) .Fishing at sunset (2-3 hours) ~ 75 USD, tropical fishing (2-3 hours) ~ 70 USD, helicopter tour (15 min. .) ~ 99 USD .Tour to Tinian Island by ferry (all day) ~ 80 USD, tour to Tinian Island by airplane (all day) ~ 150 USD, tour to Tinian Island by ferry (day) ~ 120 USD .Tropical show (2 hours) ~ 45 USD, tour of the night island of Saipan (2-3 hours) ~ 30 USD, magic show "Sand Palace" (2 hours) ~ 95 USD, a trip to the casino on Tinian Island - from 100 USD .Trolling ~ 510 USD (for a group of four people), air tours to the island of Rota ~ 360 USD, cruises on a yacht - from 130 to 675 USD (depending on the duration) .

Tourists will be interested to visit the night bazaar, which takes place on Thursdays and unfolds in front of the hotel Fiesta Resort: there you can not only buy various souvenirs, but also refresh yourself, as well as watch performances by local artists.

There are several golf clubs on the island: Kingfisher Golf Links, Coral Ocean Point, Lao Lao Bay Golf Resort, Marianas Country Club, Marianas Country Golf Club "). Photo of Saipan (12)