Hello. I want to ask you three questions that are interrelated.
1. How to apply for a tourist visa in Turkey for citizens of Kazakhstan?
2. How can I issue a visa (or, as it is called, unfortunately, I do not know) to the permanent residence in Turkey for citizens of Kazakhstan?
3. If a citizen of Kazakhstan has not managed to issue a visa, what penalty will they impose on him?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
Between Turkey and Kazakhstan an Agreement on visa-free entry and stay for a period of up to 1 month on a valid foreign passport, valid for at least 6 months after the end of the trip is concluded..If you bring your children with you, they will need to get either separate passports or apply to the passport office of your city so that his employees paste into the passport of one of the parents photos of the children inscribed in it .If you are going to stay longer in Turkey, you can apply to the Embassy for a visa, having all the documents you need for it .

In order to obtain a residence permit in Turkey, it is necessary to have a minimum amount of 500 US dollars per month in a Turkish bank account. However, to work in this country, one vunge is not enough. You either need to confirm your education and get a permit, or have a source of income that could allow you to live without working.

More details about visa and related issues you can read here - astana.be.mfa.gov.tr.

October 8, 2013

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