A question from a series of platitudes.
There is a desire to go to May Day holidays in Turkey (or Tunisia), but the problem is in the validity of the passport. New passport can not have time to do (late filed documents, promised from 2 to 4 months of waiting), the old ends on July 22 this year. in blogs, many people write that in Turkey they are quite loyal to such tourists. Can they "deploy" on the border and spoil the rest? It is clear that no one gives a 100% guarantee that they will close their eyes to such a thing, but what is the practice?

Responds Yaroslav Novikov
The fact that it's not a commonplace. This is the official rule of Turkey.

In my practice there were 2 cases in 2013, but there were wines of 2 young tourists, and airlines. I had to just not put on a flight in this condition.

If the tourist is adequate, has all the necessary documents (return ticket, hotel voucher, medical insurance) and in case of what on the first demand (oh how rarely it happens, 0, 1%) to present sufficient funds to enter the country - there will be no problems.

And yes, from 2 to 4 months - it's very long. Officially, the passport is issued for not more than a month. You can apply to the supervisory authorities.

Of course, this is the answer only from the field of practice, not legislation.

The whole risk is yours.

Answer Aleksandra Azarova
Practice in Tunisia shows that for unimpeded entry into the country it is enough that the validity of the passport overlaps the date of the return flight. At the same time they can ask to show a tourist voucher with the date of the return flight and the return air ticket. I am sure that you will not be deployed at the border.

March 7, 2014

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