Hello! I'm an unmarried girl of 23 years, always traveling alone. I was in 24 countries and I really want to go to New Year in Dubai, also one. I'm afraid that I might not be allowed into the country. Can you advise me something?

Responds Elena Khryapina, Head of the Department of the United Arab Emirates of the Russian Express Company

At the moment there are no age restrictions. Registration of visas for women under 31 years (as well as refusals or delays with the issuance of such) is carried out on general grounds. The most important thing is that financial guarantees are given.

When booking hotels 4 * and 5 *, a deposit is not required. It is enough to have a special receipt that you will receive when you make a tour.

When booking 3 *, 2 * and 1 * hotels, you need to leave a deposit of $ 1500, which will be returned at the end of the trip after a passport with a stamp of departure UAE or retained in case of violation of visa regime.

Responds Andrei Zorin, Unex company
To open visas for girls under 31 years traveling to the UAE unaccompanied by a man or a mother with the same surname, a deposit of 1500 USD is required. The deposit is paid to a travel agency or operator and returns after departure from the UAE without violating the visa regime.

October 25, 2010

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