The country is big, time is short, you want to see a lot))
In principle, I already planned the route for the northern part, but at the stage from Mendoza to the south to Ushuaia and Puerto Madryn (these 2 points can be visited in the reverse order), and then to Buenos Aires - stumbled. Too much distance for the bus and, accordingly, too much time for the road, which by now is very little.

I really need information about air travel.
What I can find are flights with at least one landing in a place completely opposite to the direction that I need, and I can not believe that there are no more direct and, correspondingly, more budgetary variants of flight in Argentina.

By Detail:
I'm interested in the possibility of a flight on the following routes:

  • May 10 this year from Mendoza to Puerto Madryn or Ushuaia.
  • 12-13 May from Puerto to Ushuaia or vice versa (depends on the first point)
  • and no later than May 15 flight from Puerto or Ushuaia to Buenos Aires

in principle, the option of Mendoza - Ushuaia - Puerto is possible.

Responds Julia Kazmina
To my great regret, Argentina is "famous" for the fact that the majority of flights across the country are made with a transfer in the capital, ie in Buenos Aires. There are direct flights between El Calafate and Ushuaia, as well as between San Carlos de Bariloche and El Calafate.

April 12, 2011

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