Green Lake in Austria

Oberort, Oberort 47

 Lakes of Austria Few natural attractions on the planet can boast of such versatility as the amazing Green Lake in the Austrian region of Styria : in the fall and winter, loving couples walk along its picturesque beaches, and in summer the enthusiastically surveyed divers survey the diving banks.



 Lakes of Austria Lake Atter See, 60 km from Salzburg - is not only the largest in Austria (an area of ​​46 sq. Km), but also a well-known diving center in the country. For divers in its crystal clear waters, 26 species of fish are immediately posed.



 Lakes of Austria Lake Weissen-See an area of ​​6, 5 square meters. km is distinguished by the purest water of turquoise color, a small development of the coast and the absence of roads along the entire perimeter. Its surroundings are a suitable place for family holidays.

Werther See


 Lakes of Austria Werther See - the largest lake in Carinthia and one of the main tourist attractions of Austria in the summer. There are many beaches around 20 sq. Km. km of crystal clear water that warms up to +27 ° C, so it's quite possible to go on vacation with children.



 Lakes of Austria Wolfgang-See - a mountain lake among the gentle slopes of Salzkammergut covered with forests. The stylized steamer Kaiser Franz Josef I runs along the lake, as well as the modern boat Wolfgang Amadeus. Many tourists on a trip to St. Wolfgang take a boat trip.


Klopeiner See

 Lakes of Austria Klopein (Klopein) - a cozy town on the north shore of the lake, an ideal place for a relaxing holiday with family and children. There are flat banks with a gentle slope into the water, equipped children's "bays" and special areas for the smallest.


Millstatter See

 Lakes of Austria Millstätter See, the second largest of the Carinthian lakes is known for its unique microclimate with the maximum number of sunny days per year. To the heap it is also one of the deepest, but it does not prevent it from warming up during the summer months.


Mond See

 Lakes of Austria Another richness of Lake Salzburg is Mondsee, a calm lake 10 km long and up to two meters wide. In the summer months, the water in it heats up to + 26ºС. There are only two large resorts here - Mondsee and St. Lorenz, whereby the lake's waters are literally nothing clouded.

Neusiedlersee Lake


 Lakes of Austria The largest lake of natural origin is Neusiedler. This is the fourth largest reservoir in Europe located in the federal state of Burgenland. Its southern extremity belongs to Hungary. The lake itself is solonchakous and is under UNESCO protection.

Ossiacher See

Ossiacher See

 Lakes of Austria Ossiacher See - the third largest a lake located in the heart of Carinthia. The water in it has a drinking quality and in summer it heats up to + 26 ° C. Ossiacher See is one of the most fish lakes in Carinthia and is therefore very popular among amateur anglers.


Tirol, Fernpassstraße

 The Lakes of Austria The small mountain lake of Sameranger can not boast of huge dimensions compared to its neighbors. But the main secret of this cold alpine basin in the other is in absolutely transparent water, which gave the lake the status of a "paradise for divers."

Most of the territory of Austria is covered by the Alps, so it is quite understandable why the country of the Vienna Waltz is famous for the best in the world of ski resorts attracting so many tourists that the income received in high season is the main source of livelihood for the whole state . However, in addition, Austria is also a beautiful lake . Magnificent peyz Well, historical sights, good service, different types of water activities and ample opportunities for family holidays - a small list of the merits of this lake edge. .

Many centuries ago, instead of the picturesque Austrian valleys and hills, there were huge glaciers that , eventually melting, changing the terrain and forming the purest lake.