What is the temperature of the Chinese Sea in winter?

Responds ±​​$ to the information department of the "Subtlety of Tourism" There are two different seas: the South China and the East China Sea. Both are part of the Pacific Ocean and border each other around the island of Taiwan. The temperature of the South China Sea in winter is higher than that of the East China Sea, even in February the water cools down only to +20 degrees in the coldest northern areas. In the south (for example, near the island of Hainan) you can swim, there the water is warmer, about + 25-26 degrees. Quite good in the Gulf of Thailand, in which sometimes sometimes + 28.

The East China Sea, washing China (in particular, Shanghai), in winter is much less friendly. The water temperature in February is usually 14-16 degrees on average, in the northern regions it can drop to + 6-8. In zones subject to the influence of a warm current, for example, in the Ryukyu Islands (formerly Liu-Kiu), water sometimes warms up to +20 degrees. Of course, we are talking about temperatures on the surface, at a depth much colder.

October 31, 2011

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