Tell me, is it true in June such strong rains in China? Is it very hot at this time? How is the June weather carried at all? Thanks for the answer!

Responds Larisa Barysheva
Ample summer rains are typical only for southern and central China, in the northwest of the country there are almost no precipitations of rainfall .Between May and September, the southern and eastern regions of China often suffer from typhoons .Air in Beijing during the summer months warms up to +30 ° C, heavy rains are possible, especially in July, relative air humidity can reach 90% -95% .Summer in central China (Shanghai) is hot with high humidity, the average daily temperature is +27 ° C .As mentioned above, in the south of the country, in particular, about .Hainan, in the summer period typhoons often occur .However, it is worth noting that the rains in China, typical of this time, are of a short-term nature .

And the forecast for popular resorts for the coming days can be found on the page "Weather in China."

May 8, 2013

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