What is the weather in the south of China in September?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
In the southern part of the PRC, September pleases with warm weather. The air temperature in the daytime is on the average +28 degrees, at night it drops to +23. The sea remains warm, the water is warmed up to +26-27 degrees and you can swim.

Nevertheless, tourists are reluctant to travel to the south of China in the first autumn month because the probability of precipitation is very high during this period. They are generally a frequent phenomenon, so summer and early September are usually cloudy and rainy, although warm. Also in the first half of the month typhoons can fly into the southern territories of China. A strong gusty wind is unlikely to make staying on vacation comfortable.

All this leads to the fact that when planning to rest on the island of Hainan or other southern resorts of the country, it is better to plan a trip for the second half of September or in general for another month. Or remember that nature does not have bad weather.

October 24, 2011

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