What are the excursions from Egypt to Jordan?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
From Egypt to Jordan you can get by buying a tour through Israel. It's no secret that these countries unite a lot: the Dead and the Red Seas, the legendary Jordan River, there are famous shrines and places of pilgrimage. There are so-called "tours for pilgrimage", combining all three countries. As a rule, these are group tours, the main contingent of which are people aged 40 to 60.

It is best to tour from Egypt to Jordan to go in the interval from spring to autumn. As a rule, such a journey begins with the famous Amman, after which the tourists go to the Dead Sea, then to Petra, Aqaba - and the Red Sea. Then the travelers travel to Tabu via Eilat, stopping at the famous monastery of St. Catherine. Further - Cairo, then again Eilat and the Red Sea. The program ends with a visit to Jerusalem and Galilee, followed by a return to Amman.

Such a trip in duration usually ranges from 10 - 12 days to two weeks, and this is not an ordinary beach tourism, but a spiritual and cognitive journey.

February 3, 2014

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