The Annapurna National Park (180 km from Kathmandu) is famous for its Tibetan temples, monasteries and hot mineral springs. On its territory, the pilgrims go to the sacred cities of Mustang-Kagbeni and Muktinath, where Hindus, Buddhists and followers of the Bon religion coexist peacefully. The most important Buddhist shrine of Muktinath is the Temple of Earth's Fire, in the walls of which flares an inextinguishable fire, fueled by natural gas trickling from under the earth. Local residents say that Shiva lives at the top of Machapuchare ("Fish Tail").

The Annapurna Massif is located in the southern spur of the Main Himalayan Range and is clamped by two rivers Kali-Gandaki and Marsengdi. In the park are the highest peaks - Annapurna and Dhaulagiri, separated by the deepest on the planet valley of Kaligandaki. The highest point is the Annapurna Main (8091 m) with it another two peaks of the south-western spur - Annapurna Middle (8010 m) and Annapurna East (8000 m), together forming one of 14 8000 m. Annapurna is the tenth highest peak of the world and the first man conquered by the man.


There are three main routes for trekking around Mount Annapurna: Jomsom Trek, Sanctuary Trek, Circuit Trek . Go hiking around Annapurna is a rare opportunity to get to the very center of the Himalayas and get acquainted with the original culture of the local people - gurungs, tamangas, thakali and Pokhari . On the way you can meet a lot of beautiful Buddhist monasteries, Hindu shrines, suspension bridges and gorges . The brightest moment is ashes (5416 m), from where you can see a stunning view of the Main Himalayan Range . The route usually starts in ancient Kathmandu, passes through mountain paths and ends in the town of Pokhara .

Go on a hiking trip around Annapurna - a rare opportunity to get to the very center of the Himalayas and get acquainted with the original culture of local residents.

Annapurna Base Camp

The track "Annapurna Base Camp" lasts about 12 days, starting in Pokhara and ending at Naya Pul. The best time of its passage: March-June or October-December. On the way you can meet the following attractions: Annapurna Base Camp, located in the heart of the Annapurna mountain range. From here, you can enjoy a spectacular view of the peaks of Annapurna, Gangapurna and Machhapuchhre. Here is one of the best viewing platforms of Nepal - Poon Hill with a panorama of the Annapurna mountain range during sunset.

2 things that are worth doing in the Annapurna area
  1. Visit the valleys of blossoming rhododendrons during their spring flowering.
  2. A glimpse into the largest village of gurunds Ghandruk.

Track around Annapurna

"Track around Annapurna" or "Annapurna Ring" (Annapurna Circuit) is one of the most popular hiking routes along the slopes of the Annapurna mountain range through the Annapurna National Park. It is characterized by the picturesque and colorful natural attractions. Its length is 211 km, it takes about 20 days,

You can stop and gain strength and on the pass Torong La, where there are two tourist camps - Torong Pedi and Upper Camp. He takes his origin in the village of Besisar, part of the path follows the valley of the Marsyandi River, passing, it is impossible not to admire the Annapurna mountain massif, the Manaslu massifs, Peri Gimal and Damodar Gimal.

Here you can replenish stocks in the large settlements of Dharapani, Cham, Pisang and Manang. Near the village of Ranipauva is the Muktinath temple complex. In the Kali-Ghandaki valley, the track follows through the villages of Jomsom, Martha, Dana, Tatopan. At the end of the path, you climb Mount Poon Hill, from which you can see the eighths of Annapurna and Dhaulagiri. And in the final, Nayapul, a small settlement, from where you can get to Pokhara by bus. Also, "Track around Annapurna" can be supplemented by a sortie to Lake Tilicho, which is 16 km west of Manang village.

Jomsom track

The Jomsomsky track is a hike along the Kali Gandaki River from Nayapul to Muktinath. Not a very popular track, so a little crowded.

Other tracks

In addition to the classical tracks to the Annapurna base camp, the Annapurna Circuit, passing through the Thorang La Pass, 5416 m, there is a shortened version of 40 km along the route "Birethanti - Ghandrung - Ghorepani - Ulleri - Birethanti ». It passes among rice paddies, villages and rainforests. The best time to complete the route is mid-to-late November.

Annapurna, panorama, Nepal Annapurna
Annapurna at sunrise, Nepal Annapurna
Beautiful mountain views, Nepal Annapurna
Local residents, Nepal Annapurna
Lake formed by the meltwater of the glacier, Nepal Annapurna