There are many legends about this place where the Gautama Buddha was born, therefore, to visit Lumbini, located in Nepalese theaters in the south of Nepal, about 12 kilometers from the border with India, is an important point in the route of every tourist.

Buddhists have four major world places of pilgrimage. This is the birthplace of Buddha Shakyamuni in Lumbini (Nepal), the attainment of Enlightenment in Bodhgaya (India), the first turning of the Dharma wheel in Sarnath (India) and the departure to Parinirvana in Kushinagar (India).
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How to get

In Lumbini, you can only get through the neighboring city of Bhairavu, the district center of the Rupandehi district (Rupandehi District). And in Bhairava from Kathmandu you can get either by plane or by bus, which regularly leaves Gongabu Bus Station - the intercity bus station in the northeast of Kathmandu at the ring road. The journey takes about 12 hours. The ticket costs about 250 rupees.

Search for air tickets to the city of Kathmandu (nearest a / p to Lumbini)

Where to stay

Count on the royal luxury in guest-houses in Lumbini is not worth it. They are in their majority near the bus stop on the Lumbini Bazaar. Double will cost about 250 rupees, shower common.

Book popular Lumbini hotels at the best prices

Buddha Maya Garden Hotel And Resort from 7 387 rubles Rummindei Kapilvastu
Siddhartha Guest House from 985 rubles Rummindei Lankapur
Hotel PeaceLand from 1,847 rubles Rummindei Mahilbar, Madhubani-07, Lumbini Lumbini Buddha Garden Resort from 4 925 rub. Rummindei Telar River, Parsa Chauraha
4 things to do in Lumbini
  1. On the southern shore of the Sacred Pond at the foot of a huge pipala (sacred Bodhi tree) meditate with pilgrims and monks.
  2. To paste on the wall of the temple of Maya Devi to the left of the "Memorable Stone" a leaf of gold leaf.
  3. Search for a tree of fats, which is located on the territory of the Maya Devi temple.
  4. To practice meditation in the Vipassana Center Panditarama international vipassana meditation center. You can join the course any day early in the morning.

Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Lumbini

Lumbini Park is divided into two "zones" - the western one, where the monasteries of the Theravada tradition are located, and the eastern one, where all the placers of the Mahayana monasteries are located.

The sacred garden

Entrance to the territory of Lumbini is carried out from the side of the "Sacred Garden" through a colorful arch. Here, you can immediately hire a rickshaw from the heat with a breeze around the village for 350 NPR for local and 500 NPR for foreigners.

For a compulsory visit to Lumbini three bright religious and historical objects of Nepal are recommended: the Maya Devi Temple with the Marked Stone and the bas-relief with the Nativity Sculpture; The column Ashoka (Ashoka Pillar) and the remains of the temple beside her; the sacred pond Pushkarini (Pushkarini pond) with an ancient pine tree (Bodhi tree), located nearby.

Temple of Maya Devi

On the territory of the Sacred Garden there is a picturesque grove framing the Maya Devi temple, and colorful shopping arcades with souvenirs and two miniature monasteries: the Nepal Theravada monastery Rajkiya Buddha Vihara and the monastery of the Sakya school of Tibetan Buddhism Dharma Swami Buddha Vihar .The memorial stone that lies near the Maya Devi Temple is installed at the birthplace of the Buddha Gautama .The rock from which it is complex is a conglomerate (a sedimentary rock consisting of pebbles and sand cemented in the natural environment by carbonates, calcites or iron oxides) .The temple was rebuilt three times, eventually, having acquired a modern look of a traditional temple in the North Indian style of "nagara" with the tower-shikhara .True, the white building with the tower is in fact a protective structure over the ruins of the ancient temple of Maya Devi .Entrance to the temple paid - 50 rupees .

The sacred pond of Pushkarini

To the south of the Maya Devi temple is the sacred pond of Pushkarini, in which, according to legend, the queen Maya bathed before giving birth to Siddhartha Gautama.

Ashoka Column

To the west of the temple you can see the legendary Ashoka Pillar, installed near the birthplace of the Buddha and made from the traditional Red Chunnar sandstone from Mathura. Nearby are the ruins of one of their oldest temples of Lumbini.


Monasteries of Lumbini

Both areas of Theravada Monasteries (eastern and western) are a grand territory, all inhabited by structures and covered with woody vegetation. A wide paved road leads to the monasteries. Theravada group is represented by four monasteries and a Vipassana center. To get to the Cambodian monastery, it is necessary to bypass the Burmese vihara from the north, the entrance to which is made on the motives of Angkor Wat with amazing filigree accuracy.

The Maha Bodhi Society is located 500 meters from the Cambodian monastery. Mahamaya Vishva Shanti Buddha Vihara and Thai Royal Wat are located here, the whitewashed white building of the Whichan (assembly hall) is considered to be the most elegant in the village and impresses with its fabulous airiness. The wihan building is accessible for visiting, but the rest of the monastic complex is behind the closed gates.

The memorial stone that lies near the Maya Devi Temple is set on the birthplace of the Buddha Gautama.

Opposite the central entrance to the vihan, under the awning, there are stone balls - a bow of nimit (Thai - luk nimit), and behind them flat stone stellas - nimitta (pali - nimitta). In the vihan there is a hall with a main altar topped by a construction with the "Emerald Buddha", which is made in the likeness of the main shrine of Thailand, located in the Bangkok Wat Phra Keo.

Burman Monastery Myanmar Golden Temple is a complex that includes a dedication hall, a four-storied guesthouse for pilgrims. Here you will also find the Lokamani Pula Paya stupa.

On the territory of Lumbini, there are also women's monasteries in which the laymen live, who took the vow to perform the eight commandments instead of five (panca ila), and voluntarily imposed restrictions close to the monastic Vinaya statute.