Milford Sound

Milford Sound

New Zealand Attractions "The Eighth Wonder of the World" - that's what John Rudyard Kipling fjord Milford Sound in New Zealand called it. Not surprisingly, Kipling granted such a high profile to these places. Everyone who has been here understands - Milford Sound really is a real miracle.

North Island

North Island

New Zealand Attractions To visit New Zealand and not visit the North Island ("Te-Ika-a-Maui") means to see only half of this mysterious country.


Matamata, Hobbiton

New Zealand Attractions The village of Hobbiton, famous New Zealand for the whole world, can be called one of the main attractions of the country. In this place, located near the city of Matamata, thousands of Tolkien fans come to the city every year.



New Zealand Attractions Kathlins is a hilly, forested area and sparsely populated even by New Zealand standards. It is located in the eastern part of the Southern Lands. Most of this territory belongs to the same forest park.

Franz Josef Glacier

Franz Josef Glacier

New Zealand Attractions Every year more than 250 thousand tourists visit the glacier of Franz Josef. What is so famous about and what interesting things can you see in this place? The Franz Josef Glacier is located in the Westland National Park, which belongs to the Te Vahipunamu area.



New Zealand Attractions This part of the North Island is fanned with bizarre myths and shrouded in the haze of history that spawned the amazing, incredibly magical Nainty-Mil-Beach.


Rotorua, Rd. Waiotapu Loop 201

New Zealand Attractions The first thing Wai-O-Tapu surprises tourists with its unusual name. When travelers know what kind of place they are, they will definitely go there. Wai-O-Tapu - one of the most interesting and amazing sights in New Zealand.

The homeland of the amazing Maori tribe, who called the edge of the geysers, cliffs and forests of Aotearoa, which means "Long White Cloud", New Zealand is a truly amazing country..Its glaciers and endless beaches became especially popular after the release of the loud saga of the "Lord of the Rings", shot from the first to the last frame right here .Never the hills of Bombay, the valleys of Huikato and Takaka, the mountains of Ngaruhoe and Tongariro, the fjords of Queenstown were not as demanded as now..No computer graphics, so often used in modern cinema, could not surpass the natural beauty of New Zealand's sights..Interestingly, the New Zealanders themselves were, to put it mildly, surprised by such enthusiastic estimates of .Local residents are sure that the shots of the film, showing an unusual nature - this is only a small part of the amazing world of New Zealand .

No computer graphics, so often used in modern cinema, could not surpass the natural beauty of New Zealand's sights.

The main attraction of New Zealand, no doubt, can be called nature. National and marine parks, lakes, caves, waterfalls, huge wild beaches and the ocean - these stunningly beautiful places will impress any traveler. And most importantly, there are so many sights in New Zealand that you probably will not be able to see half of one vacation. So it is necessary to make a list of "most-most" in advance in order to have as much time as possible.

Especially popular among tourists are national parks. On the territory of the country there are more than 10, so there is something to choose from. Tongariro, Egmont, Mount Cook, Urevera, Fiordland can be called the most interesting.

Lovers of fishing are sure to go to the lake Taravera, which is located at the foot of the same volcano .However, before you catch a trout, which is apparently invisible, you must first purchase a license of $ $ .In addition, the Tarawera is famous for its thermal springs .Getting here is easiest from the city of Rotorua .It should be noted that close to these attractions of New Zealand there are beautiful hotels .Some of them even offer their guests helicopters, so that customers can easily reach the most remote corners .

The sights of New Zealand are so diverse that here everyone will find something interesting .For example, the caves of Waitomo became famous for their ... fireflies .The fact is that these caves are illuminated by millions of fireflies .Of course, thousands of tourists come to see such a miracle of nature .Waitomo is also a tiny village located on the North Island..Virtually all villagers are people whose work is somehow connected with caves .By the way, scientists believe that the age of the Waitomo mountain complex is about 2 million years old .It is worth noting that there are different tours of these New Zealand sights .For unprepared tourists - easy routes, for more active and courageous routes are developed with visits to hard-to-reach and dangerous areas of Witomo .

If you always dreamed of seeing dolphins, whales, seals or sperm whales, then it's worth to go to a small city of Kaikoura .It is here directly on the shore or from a boat that you can watch sea animals .By the way, local firms offer a variety of options for excursions and entertainment - you can even dive with fur seals .And be sure to visit the Penguin Place - a small reserve where yellow-eyed penguins live - $ .Get to Penguin Place most conveniently from Dunedin .Do not forget the camera - these animals are so cute that you want to capture each of them .

The island of Stefes is unremarkable in appearance. However, it is here that one of the rarest animals inhabits - hatteria. This is the closest relative of dinosaurs. The only catch is that you simply can not get to the island, you need a special pass. A safe regime was introduced on Stephens.

Many tourists are eager to see Moeraki boulders. Find these attractions New Zealand can be on the coast between Moeraki and Hampden. Interest in the amazing spherical education is also fueled by a huge number of legends associated with these boulders. Scientists believe that Moeraki boulders were formed from sea mud during the Paleocene period. The diameter of the boulders is about 2 m.

Of course, in the country there are also modern facilities, which are worth paying attention to. For example, the tallest building in New Zealand is the Sky Tower, located in Oakland. Here you can not only make great photos, but also a tasty snack in a cafe and restaurant.

On the Sky Tower are two viewing platforms, from which a chic look opens. Radius of coverage is about 80 km.

In addition, desperate extremals come here to stroll around the Sky Tower on an open parapet or jump down with a cable attached. Adrenaline goes off scale! If you are not out of fear, then you can also make a jump with an elastic cable from the Oakland Bridge. Bungee jumping in New Zealand is very popular. By the way, the Auckland Bridge is the longest bridge on the North Island. Its length is just over 1 km.

Certainly worth a look Auckland. This city is recognized as one of the ten best cities for life. In addition, many interesting sights of New Zealand are concentrated here.