Heaven exists. This is known to everyone who has ever visited the Seychelles and plunged into the pristine nature of this archipelago. A strip of sandy beaches, unique vegetation, full immersion in the contemplation of endless horizons, here and there, cut by green buttons of islands ... And each of them is a separate story, unique atmosphere, mood and impressions.

The capital of Seychelles - Victoria

Microscopic in comparison with the usual metropolitan world colossuses, the capital of Seychelles Victoria is a city blown through the sea breeze, dotted with Creole restaurants, colorful shops, fruit alleys. Houses with tropical motifs of marquises and openwork terraces, air balconies breathe provincial calm.

Surrounded by coconut trees, walks along the main avenue of Marquette Street lead to the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, and the beauty Clock Tower, adorning the central square, is a mini-copy of the Tower Clock of the Vauxhall Bridge in London. What to say about the riches of the botanical garden of Mont-Fleury and orchid garden, because the Seychelles are the birthplace of many plants that can grow only in these natural conditions. The market is a separate tropical song.

We say: "Praslin", we mean: "Paradise Garden". The

All the photographs of tourists who visited here necessarily feature an iron statue of "Free Man". The religious mosaic consists of an Anglican church, a blue and white Hindu temple ("gopuram") and a small mosque. Night discos can be found in any hotel, and in the hotel "Barbaronz-Beach" there is a casino.

Neighborhood of Victoria

Around the city grow endless cinnamon plantations, climbing to the top of the hills of Signal, Crave-Ker, Niol or Mount "Three Brothers" you can enjoy stunning views of the sea and the caps of the islands-neighbors.

Also outside the city there is the delightful garden of Le Jardin du Roi in the Royal Bay, in the other bay of Anse aux Poules Bleues ("Blue Gulls Bay"), or rather, its dense gardens is the workshop of the famous artist Michael Adams.


It's not just an island, it's a magnificent natural playground for sixty-eight beaches! The names and number of the cute Mahe coves also give the imagination a clear out: Kashe, Coral, Karana Beach, Sunny, Major, Ans Nord-Ost, Risovaya and many others. But recently, tourists are trying to get to the deserted beaches of Anse-Suyak Bay or the silence of the beaches of Anse-a-la-Moss and Anse-Forbans. Bo-Wallon, starting from Fisherman Cove and ending at Wacoa Village, is known to every inhabitant of the archipelago.

Surfers first go to the Grand Anse beach, where the waves are guaranteed to reach a height of two meters and a length of up to three kilometers almost daily .Pedestrian walks are best practiced in Sanssouci and the area of ​​the summit of the Three Brothers, many are exploring the Gog road between Anse-Etoile Bay and Glacier Heights, especially since the Rivières-Grand Bassin and Varigo district are known for a small waterfall .Picturesque trails from Bel-Ombre to the Bay of Major .In general, between the beaches I will forgive all the walking, especially since the neighborhood will bring a lot of aesthetic pleasure .The

8 things to do in Seychelles
  1. Take photos with the only two traffic lights in the entire archipelago in Victoria.
  2. To buy souvenirs in the village of artisans Kraft Village near the capital Seychelles (Mahe island).
  3. Drink delicious drinks in the "Tea Tavern", which is located on the slopes of the foothills of Morn Blanc halfway from Victoria to Port Glod.
  4. Visit the most beautiful equatorial forest in the entire Indian Ocean, which covers the island of Silhouette directly opposite the beach of Beau Vallon.
  5. On the Arid Island Nature Reserve, capture Wright's gardenia and breathe the scent of snow-white flowers of the famous lemon tree. For both plants, the island is the only place on the planet where they "live."
  6. In the town of Bel-Ombr try to find the remains of a pirate treasure that was found several years ago.
  7. Purchase unique ornaments at the Praslin Princess Black Pearl Farm.
  8. To taste in the Creole restaurant Kaz Kred on the island of Mahe bat meat and drink it dite zitronel, tincture of lemon mint. Or try the more traditional dishes of the Chez Batista restaurant on Takamaka Beach.


We say: "Praslin", we mean: "Paradise Garden". How else to name the island where the unique national park Vale de Ma ("May Valley") flourishes, the natural home of 7 thousand palm trees "coco de measure" and a rare black parrot? Not to mention the endless landscapes of the Côte d'Or, Volber, Consolacion, Saint Anne Bay, St. Mary's Cape, Lazio coves and others. You can take away the products of the copra plant and the bush from the vanilla plantation as a souvenir.

La Digue

This island will carry you to a couple of hundred years ago. It is enough to walk along its cleanest, spacious beaches, jungle thickets, to ride a real ox-team. The standard of untouched tropical nature - Sourses d'Arjan bay and Thursey cape.

The capital of the island, La Paz, is built up with old Creole wooden houses. At 4 km from La Diga, Felicite Island ("bliss"), lavishly covered with luxurious vegetation, peeps out of turquoise sea waters.

Stone blocks in the Seychelles Sightseeing places Seychelles
View of the Seychelles Sightseeing places Seychelles
Berth in Seychelles Sightseeing places Seychelles

Other islands

Denis is the "empire of coconut palms", thanks to which is the most untwisted island of the archipelago among tourists. The main entertainment here is fishing. Aldabra is famous for its huge coral lagoon. The bottom of this fabulous place appears in all splendor at low tide. There are also colonies of giant land tortoises and sea birds.

On Koetivi shrimp are grown, Derosh is the leader in underwater sport, D'Arros is buried in coconut palms. Diving and fishing are particularly successful in the waters of the 30-kilometer Providence shoal. Napoen with legends about pirates Fregat Island, which became a fashionable resort for wealthy guests.