How much does a transport pass in Spain cost?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
Prices for public transport in the regions of Spain are slightly different and depend on the range of the trip .To account for this factor, most cities are divided into zones .The passenger will pay cheaper for a short trip and is significantly more expensive for a long time .Cheating does not work: the ticket after composting is valid for a certain time, to ride around the city, paying a minimum, it is impossible .All tickets must be composted (by magnetic tape on a special device) every time you change the transport .Almost always the prices for different modes of transport are the same .

In Barcelona, ​​a one-time trip on any type of transport will cost 1.45 EUR in one zone, and at 6.05 EUR in all. You can buy a subscription for the day (T-Dia) for 6.20-17.50 EUR (depending on the coverage of the zones), or for 10 trips (T-10) for 8.25-35.10.

In Madrid, a one-time trip by metro (and bus) costs 1.50 EUR for zone A and 2.50 for all others. Subscription for 10 trips in the subway or bus 9.30-15 EUR.

In Cordoba one trip will cost 1.15-1.60 EUR, 10 at 6.60-13 EUR. In Seville, you will need to give 1.25 EUR for one trip by bus and 1.35 - by metro.

December 8, 2011

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