In April of this year, we are planning a trip to the UAE. 3 years ago, I got married and changed my surname, there was an old passport for an old passport, valid until April 2013. Do I need to change my passport for a new one with a new surname? Or can I fly the old way?

Responds Andrei Zorin, Unex company
According to the law of the Russian Federation, this passport has long been ineffective, as it is subject to replacement within 1 month after the change of name.

At registration a visa in the UAE is provided only by scanning the first page of the passport, therefore, you will most likely get a visa to the UAE for this passport. But, in fact, you will cross the borders of the Russian Federation and the UAE on an invalid document, and the responsibility for these actions will completely fall on you.

Responds Irina Morozova, Labyrinth company
You can fly in the old.

March 6, 2012

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