In the warmest European capital of Lisbon, tourists are torn no less than in Barcelona. . This is proven by statistics: the historical and cultural center of Portugal for a year is visited from tens of millions of people . And this is no wonder, after all, Lisbon is a city with a centuries-old history, and there really is something to see . Historical and architectural monuments are described in detail in book and electronic guides, but it's worth mentioning about Portuguese bullfighting . Unlike the Spanish bullfight, the fun of the Portuguese is not at all not bloodthirsty: animals are not killed here, but unarmed fighters are suppressing . Yes and in general Portugal is a very friendly and hospitable country, from the climate and ending with the service .

Tourists who bought flights to Portugal, more often the Lisbon airport of Portela meets all. If the goal is to get to the island archipelago Madeira, then the plane will land in the port of Funchal Madeira. - $

Tourists who bought flights to Portugal, most often meets Lisbon airport Portela. If the goal is to get to the island archipelago Madeira, then the plane will land in the port of Funchal Madeira. All the year round airline sales to Portugal are carried out by airlines "Lufthansa", "Aeroflot", "Transaero" and TAP Portugal. The last two carriers have direct flights to Lisbon from Moscow.

Aeroflot and the national carrier TAP offer the most cost-effective joint flights from Moscow, but with a long-term transfer - for example, in Prague.

From Petersburg non-stop flights yet. Also, flights to Portugal can be purchased from airlines Brussels Airlines, Iberia, Air Berlin, KLM.